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Good Day NFT Campaign celebrates 577th Hangeul Day with free NFT

9 Oct. 2023

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577th Hangeul Day NFT artwork

PUBLISH, in collaboration with TokenPost, is pleased to announce the issuance of a new “Good Day NFT” to celebrate the 577th Hangeul Day, the third such NFT to be issued in October.

Hangeul Day is a South Korean national holiday observed annually on October 9th. The holiday commemorates the invention and proclamation of the Korean language, and is one of five major national holidays marked by the hoisting of the national flag.

While the Korean alphabet was invented under the reign of King Sejong in the 15th century, Hangeul Day was officially established in 1926 by the Korean Language Association, then known as the Joseon Language Research Institute. Originally named "Gagyanal" (Korean: 가갸날), a term derived from a series of Korean phonemes often recited in language-learning contexts, the day serves to foster pride in and appreciation for the Korean alphabet.

In 1928, Gagyanal was renamed to Hangeul Day. In 1945, shortly after South Korea's liberation from Japan, the newly-established South Korean government officially designated October 9 in the solar calendar as Hangeul Day.

The date was selected following the discovery of the Haerye Edition of the Hunminjeongeum, (“Proper Sounds to Instruct the People” in English), which includes a commentary on the new writing system confirming the completion of the Hunminjeongeum on September 11, 1446, in the lunar calendar, equivalent to October 9 in the solar calendar.

Hangeul faced challenges throughout its history, including suppression by the ruling elite of the Joseon Dynasty. Despite these difficulties, it became the national language during the late Joseon Dynasty's enlightenment period. Today, it is celebrated for having reduced the high illiteracy rate and contributing to the academic and economic development of the country.

The "Good Day NFT Campaign" is a joint initiative by PUBLISH and TokenPost, aimed at highlighting significant domestic and international events and holidays through the issuance and distribution of commemorative NFTs and digital artwork.

The 577th Hangeul Day NFT was minted as a Soulbound token and is available to all PUBLISH iD users free-of-charge. The PUBLISH iD app is available for download from the App Store or Google Play.

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