Press release

PUBLISH Institute finds high turnover and lack of technology adoption among IT professionals in Korean news organizations

13 Jan. 2023

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A new survey conducted by Seoul-based PUBLISH Institute for News and Technology has revealed that more than half of IT professionals working in domestic news organizations have intentions of transferring or switching jobs within their current organization. Additionally, only one out of every ten (10%) people surveyed were actually applying AI and new technologies such as blockchain to their work.

The survey, which was the first of its kind to survey the overall situation of domestic news IT professionals, was conducted on digital service providers, system managers, content developers and digital work managers. The survey was divided into three main areas: IT personnel and work characteristics, working environment and technology, and digital transformation.

The results of the survey showed that domestic news IT professionals felt that their current organizations do not provide sufficient opportunities for personal development (only 11.8% agreed that their current organizations provide opportunities for personal development) and that their organizations are not making enough progress in their digital transformation (only 14.7% agreed that their place of work is investing enough in digital transformation). Furthermore, only 25.0% agreed that their workplace has adequate IT capacity.

The survey also reveals some challenges facing IT professionals and their severity. Respondents identified several problems as being severe, such as "lack of specific goals and visions for digital transformation" (75.0%), "shortage of IT professionals" (73.5%), and "absence of communication and collaboration due to a closed organizational culture centered on journalists" (72.1%).

Furthermore, the outlook for the journalism industry is viewed negatively by the respondents. They predict that it will be difficult for subscription-based digital businesses to succeed in the near future, with only 2.9% saying that it is possible within the current capabilities and conditions of their organizations.

The survey highlights the need for news organizations to prioritize investment in their IT workforce and infrastructure, as well as to provide more opportunities for personal development, training and education in order to stay competitive in the digital age. It also emphasizes the importance of clear strategies and plans for digital transformation, as well as the need for IT professionals to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to drive the process forward.

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