Announcement PUBLISH 2.0 Announcement

10 June 2024

Hello, PUBLISH community and $NEWS holders,

We are excited to announce the upcoming launch of PUBLISH 2.0! PUBLISH 2.0 is designed to address the shortcomings of the existing $NEWS token ecosystem, providing global expansion, enhanced features, and an improved user experience.

In this regard, $NEWS tokens based on ETH (ERC-20) and Luniverse (LMT) will be migrated to $NEWS tokens based on BASE.

📍 Check out PUBLISH 2.0

We deeply appreciate your continuous support and are committed to delivering even better services and experiences through PUBLISH 2.0.

If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact us through the form below.

📅 PUBLISH 2.0 Schedule


📧 Contact us

Thank you.